In this interview you can learn more about his story, learnings and key takeaways.
Sebastian joined Short Form Society in the end of November 2023 and he hit his first $10,000/month in January 2024.
In this interview we go over what it takes to go from $0 to $10,000/month in just 60 days, his mentality and the importance of setting yourself up for success in your early 20's
Frederik came to us with an already-running agency with no scale-ability. He had local clients only, and they took up all his time.
We slowly transitioned into a growth-stack agency for coaches, and Frederik is now making more than $6,000/month (not including performance fees).
He is working with clients from all over the world.
Liam came to us in December 2023 doing $2000/month with his editing agency. He wanted to scale his agency and escape the editing niche.
We helped him add paid ads and funnels to his offer and in February 2024 he did $6000 with his agency.
He did $10k/mo 3 months later.
Hear his journey and how he is able to balance everything.